Moon Diamonds: A Siamese Cat Story - Madeleine Purslow

October 1, 2019

(Amazon review – 5*)

“When the great Moon Goddess created Siamese cats, she wanted them
to be as magnificent as possible. So that everyone would look at them
and see her own radiance reflected in their beauty.

She made their bodies lithe and svelte, their tails long and elegant and
their fur as pale as the moon. Then she touched their noses, ears, tails
and paws, and gave them their beautiful coloured points, so that they
would be distinct from all other cats.

Finally, she bestowed her greatest gift of all upon them. She gave them
blue moon diamonds for their eyes, as a sign of her unceasing love for

Madeleine Purslow opens Moon Diamonds: A Siamese Cat Story with a legend of how they came to be; beautifully introducing a novel about much more than cats, and how they have steered one woman into a new way of life.

Woven through the cumulative effects of what appears to be onset Alzheimer’s Disease, Monica Pinto, a theatrical actress spending years on the stage, is soon sacked by the company she works for as her memory begins to fail, and along with her aging Lilac Point, Theodosia, she eventually decides to buy a new Seal Point Siamese Kitten, Ghilly, in an effort to find something to commit her time to after a series of new hobby attempts fail. It is here that she finds herself saved in ways she never could have anticipated.

It is a vivid amalgamative study of the mind deteriorating into loneliness, but prospering once again into new life, thanks to the distinct personalities of the feline friends who revitalise Monica in mind and body.

Ms Purslow has managed to conquer the balance of enveloping a cruel core subject within what is inherently a comedy. Wonderfully written with perfect comedic irony and timing, Moon Diamonds is an ode to all the cat lovers out there and a nod to those struggling in silence, and especially the importance and impact animals, in this case cats, have on so many human lives. The story carries a very potent principle on its back, a reminder that we are not superior to the other lives we cohabit on this planet with.

‘Pur’fect from Purslow!


Amazon Kindle Editions available at £3.01
Paperback Editions available at £8.99

“Read in one sitting!” – 5*

“Thoroughly enjoyed reading this while on holiday and away from my own Siamese but I connected with it on so many levels. The loss of a loved one and its implications, the joys and problems of a multi cat household and definitely the problems of coping alone with a fracture! This book has humour and pathos and if you've read Madeleine's previous book, there are even a couple of connections with that. Absolutely recommended.” - Amazon Review (Kindle Edition)

About the Author

Madeleine Purslow enjoys living a quiet life with her husband which is presided over by four benign dictators; her Siamese cats Gideon, Gilmour, Persephone and Betty.

Take a Break Fiction Feast, Yours, Yours Yearbook and Scribble Magazine are all publications in which Madeleine has had stories published and has additionally placed first and second respectively in Writers’ News/Magazine competitions, as well as being shortlisted twenty times.

Presently, writing novels is Madeleine’s focus. Her first novel, Fred The Redsdottir, a story of a woman forced home to live once again with her father in “The Little Kremlin” in 1981, was based in her home town of Birmingham, featuring themes and ideas that had been marinating for a long time. Following her passions as a natural course, the next topic for conversation – cats! But as her completed novel paints out in its entirety, Madeleine wanted to write about more than solely cats, but to have a true allegory of meaning and survival.

“It’s what I call Kit Lit; not heart-warming pussycat tales, but serious human stories with cats at their heart.”


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