June 4, 2018
"An amazing, heartfelt, raw, and inspirational journey of a gentleman's aggressive prostate cancer journey. Guaranteed to give you hope!" - J & H Chirdon
Throughout his extensive career Alfred Samuels was a bodyguard to some of the world's most recognised celebrities. He was a physically active and mentally alert individual who met the needs of his particular industry over many years.
In January 2012 his world came to a sudden and unforeseeable halt when he was diagnosed with advanced metastatic prostate cancer, stage four.
Alfred's honest and frank account is one part of his mission to challenge men's attitudes and the taboo surrounding prostate cancer.
Click here to contact us for a review copy of Alfred's book
About the Author
Alfred Samuels is educated to a master's degree level in security management, owns his own security consultancy company and is a member of a number of professional guilds in The City, including fields of electronic technicians, and mechanics. With his considerable skills and education, Alfred has also served as a security and ocunter terrorism advisor to African as well as Caribbean governments, with specialities in the areas of military and police training and equipment procurement.
Alfred has worked in the entertainment industry for the past 28 years, for stars such as Bob Dylan, Sade, Seal and Beyonce, Kelly Rowland, Mariah Carey, Oasis and Rod Stewart, to mention but a few.
Alfred currently lives in Middlesex, UK with his partner and family.
A four-year prostate cancer survivor, Alfred wrote his book, Invincibility in the Face of Prostate Cancer: Coming Out the Other Side, with the intention to inspire, motivate, uplift and educate people about prostate cancer. Alfred’s wish is that the book will influence people and make them realise the value of the information he has recorded.
"This book may help others at an early stage of their diagnosis or deterring those putting off being checked early like I did from doing so. We men are notorious for ignoring health symptoms and avoiding the doctor's surgery. If we could use sticky tape for all our ailments, we would do so. However, not all medical issues can be fixed so easily; what may be a pesky problem to a man could be a far more serious condition in the making." - Alfred Samuels
Don't forget to contact us for your review copy
“As a fellow prostate cancer survivor, I cannot say enough about how much this book resonates with every aspect of this disease. We have all from time to time felt alone, and found ourselves asking the question "Can I do this?" Mr. Samuels hits on everything from the big questions surrounding survival and relationships and family, to the daily minutia of being tied down to a medicine regimen and side effects and the extraordinary effort that is sometimes required to do a seemingly simple physical task. I cannot count how many times while reading this book, after reading a passage, my first response was "someone else felt that way?" or "Him too?". I am in awe of how much he continually dug deep to muster the energy and courage to combat his cancer. If I were to summarize, this book reaffirms that I am not alone in my journey, and how much of a roll my attitude and drive plays in my eventual success in beating cancer. Thank you, Mr. Samuels for sharing your journey.” – Pete Axson