Guilt Free Motherhood @thatamberkhan

June 3, 2015

Guilt Free Motherhood

Mother of three, Amber Khan has cracked the secret to Guilt Free Living. She isn’t ashamed of sharing the mistakes she made along the way so YOU can avoid them!

Guilt Free Motherhood has already been intensely popular with many large online media outlets. They will be interviewing and featuring Amber and her book Guilt Free Motherhood.

Guilt can be a very crippling emotion that is capable of stopping us in our track and an emotion that easily prevents us from moving forward. If you recognise yourself as carrying any guilt in your life Amber is the lady to connect with to help you expel any guilt so you are able to move on to a more fulfilling life. - Jacqueline Coe - Founder/Director Intelligent Parenting

FREE Ebook on "5 Guilt Traps Mothers Fall Prey To" is also available on Amber's website. It is a must read if your well-being is suffering while doing motherhood. It is the first step in trying to find a happy balance in life. This comes from acknowledging your mistakes.

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