How to Get Your Book On a Times Square Billboard for $9

July 17, 2015

Do you know that over 100 million pedestrians pass through Times Square every year?  Most billboards get airtime too (accidentally) as TV reports and films are often shot in the area. That is exactly why the cost of advertising on a Times Square billboard is so expensive. Even the cheapest billboard on Times Square would cost around $3000 per day or $1.1 million per year. Don't despair!

If you are a creative and resourceful author you can get Times Square Billboard coverage for just $9. We asked author Robert Custons how he did it.

  • How Author Robert Custons bought socks and got a Times Square advert for this book. Click To Tweet

Robert took advantage of a marketing campaign being run by American Eagle, entitled ’15 Seconds of Fame’. It allows any shopper who buys an item from the store to get his own 15 second spotlight on the ad billboard in you guessed it, Times Square.

That’s all well and good but you must be wondering how you would be able to ‘advertise’ your book on the billboard for $9? Well, you should simply go to the store and then buy yourself a pair of socks which shouldn’t cost more than $9. They would prove useful too if you travel a lot! Once you've bought an item, one of the attendants would ask you for a picture you would like to be displayed on the billboard. Now with some politeness and a bit of persuasion the store attendant probably won’t mind a bit if you pop your book in the picture instead.

It might be just for 15 seconds but it would get you space on a billboard where even a single second costs 100s of dollars.

What you can learn from over 200+ book marketing campaigns. Our most popular post to date.

Here is the proof:

Robert will also be launching his Visual Music campaign very soon! Details here.

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