Choose to Climb - Geraldine Mair

February 18, 2019

From local supermarket worker, to best-selling author

Geraldine (Nicol) Mair was born in 1968 and raised in a working-class Troon family, the youngest of three girls. She enjoyed a pretty normal and happy upbringing attending St Patricks primary school and Queen Margaret Academy. She married Derek Mair in 1990 and their son, Christopher, has been the light of their lives since he was born in June 1994.

Geraldine, like most teenagers, was encouraged by friends and family to ‘conform’ with society’s expectations of her and was conditioned to just get a job, any job. She spent most of her adult life in food retail, and although it was fun for the most part, she never felt truly fulfilled, knowing deep down that her potential remained untapped.  However, like so many others she had financial responsibilities so pushed her desire to be something more into the background. Despite her outstanding work ethic, years of experience in managerial positions and a natural aptitude, Geraldine was held back from a new opportunity because “she was too valuable in her current role”.   After being overlooked for, what she considered may have been her dream job, Geraldine’s disappointment was evident to those who knew her.  Realising that she had a choice – either to conform, or to find the courage to make a change – Geraldine turned her disappointment into the impetus to follow a different path.  Within days she had handed in her notice, despite not really knowing where this new road would lead.

Geraldine’s husband, Derek, was going through his own transition at this time.  He had also found the courage to leave the safety and security of a very good corporate world position to follow his dream, training in America and Europe to become a certified business and leadership coach. During this time he was introduced to the world of personal development at a deep level, and in turn introduced this to Geraldine. This became the catalyst that helped them both to develop a belief that anything was possible… Geraldine found a college course, and at age 45 she invested her time studying to become a fully qualified complimentary and holistic therapist, adding to previously attained diplomas in counselling and psychology to support the start of her own practice, realising a level of fulfilment she had only previously dreamed of.

After only a few months it became apparent that so many others were having challenges that resonated with Geraldine, things that she had self-managed to overcome, so she decided to use social media as a platform to write upbeat positive passages, which, in December 2017 was transformed into print in the form of her very first book, one in a set of five books written by both Geraldine and Derek that are in development.

The book, Choose To Climb: Reaching Your Personal Summit, went on to become an Amazon best-seller.

Geraldine’s second book in the series, Choose to Climb: Beyond Your Summit, was released last month and is also doing very nicely.

"People who succeed do not get lowered onto the summit, they climb with everything they have and keep on climbing even when at times they fall down, because they know with absolute certainty, the view from the top will be more than worth the pain of getting there." Geraldine Mair

The words of this book have been written and designed with you in mind. If you have been searching for a way to see life from a whole other perspective, you’ve just found it.

This book can equip you with many strategies for a myriad of life’s challenges that you may come across on your journey.  Reference it often, seek out the passages and associated quotes, affirmations and strategies that inspire you to act.

You cannot fix anything in life with the same approach that created it, so try a different way, choose to climb.

Easy to read & just pick up when you need a reminder that we are the driving force in our own life, we can turn every day into a happy one- Dorothy L Gibson

This book delves deeper into your mind where all your challenges and issues exist. It is the go-to problem solver that you can dip in and out of whenever you need that additional support. It is uniquely written in bite size chunks that allow you to digest the messages easily and apply them to your life for maximum benefit

Refuse to stay where you are and step into all you were born to be. You always have a choice and it's always yours.  So, stand side by side with us and join the climb.

“If you want to continue to climb in this world and really make a difference then small improvements each and every day will arm you with the capacity of making it so.” Geraldine Mair

Connect with the author on Facebook, or visit the Choose to Climb website.


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